How to Deal With Council Tax Arrears
If you are in arrears with council tax payments, you need to get in touch with your local council. You can do this in a number of ways. First of all, you should get a copy of your council tax bill. This will list the amount due and the dates when you need to make payments. If you cannot make your payments by the due date, the council will send you a notice of non-payment. If you don’t pay the notice, it can issue you a summons, which gives them the authority to sell goods if you do not make your payments. The council may also try to collect the debt through the county court if they don’t receive your payments.
You can also get in touch with your local councillor, or even a free debt advice agency. Depending on the amount of arrears you have, your local councillor may be able to help you work out a payment plan. Alternatively, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman. If you cannot make your payments, your council may take charging orders against your home. You can also be imprisoned for three months if you fail to pay your council tax.
Once you have contacted your local council, you should create a budget and work out a realistic payment plan. You can ask to spread the cost over a year or pay in weekly or monthly installments. It is also important to note that your council may decline your request at first, but if you continue to make payments, it will show them that you’re serious about repaying your arrears.
Remember that you must make your payments by the date specified in the demand notice. If you miss your payment by this date, your council may issue a second reminder. If you miss both reminders, you may lose the right to pay by instalments and owe the entire amount. If you fail to pay by the due date, the council will issue a Summary Warrant to recover your debt.
If you can’t afford to make your payments, you may be able to make your payments through an IVA. However, you should note that these are only available in England and Wales. If you miss two instalments, the council can demand that you pay the full amount of your arrears, including the costs.
You can also get your employer to make deductions from your earnings. This deduction is based on the amount of your net income after National Insurance and tax. Self-employed people cannot apply for this option. If you’re in arrears with your council tax payments, you should check with your local councillor or advice centre.
If you still cannot pay, you can contact the council and arrange a means enquiry hearing. During this hearing, the magistrates look into why you aren’t paying and what you’re offering to clear the debt.
How to Deal With Council Tax Arrears was first seen on Help with My Debt