Bristow & Sutor

Bristow amp Sutor

If you have debts to pay, Bristow & Sutlor can help you collect them. The agency can send negative information to your credit reporting agencies and start a debt recovery process. The company will do all of this while still protecting your identity. They are experienced in handling debt collection and will do whatever it takes to get your money back.

Debt collection agency

Bristow & Sutor is one of the many debt collection agencies that operate in the UK. These agencies can use pressure tactics and even bullying to collect debt payments. Many people report that these companies can cause anxiety and sleepless nights. In some cases, they may even try to sell your property to pay off your debt.

Council tax

If you have not paid your council tax or business rates in Bristow & Suton, you may have to worry that the council may start to pursue you. You may have to go to the Magistrates Court or the Traffic Enforcement Centre to resolve the matter. If you do not pay the bill in time, the council may even issue a liability order.

Parking fines

Bristow and Sutor is a leading collection agency that works in partnership with clients to achieve industry-leading collection rates. Through the use of directly employed Enforcement Agents, the company has also consistently maintained low levels of complaints across its 140+ public sector clients. Currently, the company is undergoing a multi-million pound business transformation programme focusing on technology, process and innovation.

Court fines

Bristow & Suton are a debt collection agency based in the UK. They work throughout the UK to recover debts. As enforcement agents, Bristow & Sutor can take various actions to collect debts, including the use of bailiffs to seize and sell property. Alternatively, they can negotiate with debtors to settle debts.

Unpaid rent

Bristow & Sutlor agents are law enforcement agencies that work throughout England and Wales to collect unpaid rent, penalty charge notices, and council tax. In addition, they collect sundry debt through an associated debt collection agency. Bailiffs must comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Justice. However, they can only enter a home with reasonable force.

Controlled goods agreement

If you’re having trouble paying your debt, it can be tempting to turn to a controlled goods agreement with Bristow & Sutor. The controlled goods agreement, or CGA, lets you keep some of your assets but only pays you a fixed monthly amount. However, if you don’t have the cash to cover the monthly payments, this can lead to a prison sentence. If you’re looking for a better solution, consider talking to a debt advisor before you sign any deal.

Bonuses for bailiffs

If you have been unable to pay your debts, the Bristow and Sutor bailiffs may be able to help you. They have a legal right to enter your property and write up an inventory. This list will identify the items and the value of each item. The bailiffs will be able to use the proceeds of this sale to repay your debt.


There are many consequences for non-payment of your council tax debts. If you do not pay, Bristow and Sutor can apply to court to have you imprisoned for the debt. However, there are alternatives to imprisonment, including a debt control agreement. An individual voluntary arrangement is a great way to avoid the threat of a bailiff visit.

Fees for bailiffs

Bristow and Sutor enforcement agents can visit your home to recover unpaid debts. They will issue an Attachment of Earnings (AOE) order, which is a legal document that deducts from your monthly or weekly earnings. If you fail to meet the payments under the AOE, a Controlled Goods Agreement (CGA) is created, which gives bailiffs the right to remove your belongings for auction.

Treatment of debtors

Bristow & Sutor are a local debt collection company. They follow different rules and regulations when collecting debts. They can either take enforcement action (bailiff action) to recover the debt or they can negotiate with the debtor to settle the debt.

Bristow & Sutor was first seen on Apply for an IVA